Tuesday, June 28, 2011

God truly supplies my every need

You know God is truly awesome. A year ago I was having a yard sale and I almost passed out. It is very clear I have no desire to go anywhere near hell. But anyway I got a phone call this week advising me to pick up a brand new canopy from a friend. It just never ceases to amaze me how thoughtful God is. He just touches hearts and renews the mind all in one shot.

As July is my month of consigning to get rid of the excess in the house. I thought it is time to have another yard sale and surely God has sent a vessel right on time. The only thing holding me back was the heat. So now there is nothing left but to do it! Have a blessed week!


Passion vs. Profit

As I looked out over the crowd today, I observed my children interact at their school. I heard is it profit or passion? Mrs. Hood and Ms. Sluder are definitely examples of passion. I heard God say it's the passionate that will survive.

I believe the worst day in education was when the theory was presented that one could hold a carrot to lure teachers to teach. There are many jobs that are suitable to be for profit. Teaching simply is not one of them. Our children are simply too valuable to be placed at such risk.

It is awesome to reward those who have a proven track record and the rewards should be great for those who produce! However, we are going to continue to see massive losses because only the fittest will survive. It is definitely a job created for the passionate at heart.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

God's Grace and Mercy are Incredible!

As I was going through my "Lord, just so tired of people trying to take advantage of our kindness mode." I realized it truly "was not as bad as Christ's pain"... by reading Sis LaTanya 's blog or the "holocaust" reading Brother Andrew's post. So now that I have had my pity party "I am bouncing back" as Pastor Paula posted. Isn't it amazing how God can use people all over the nation to minister to your needs.

To top it all off, I had just thrown out furniture and decided to clear out space for the new. My husband and I stopped to see an old friend. This is a friend my husband encouraged to open a business and God is just blessing. Since my husband is a master visual merchandiser, he volunteered his time to help a friend and I pitched in where I could. As we were heading out and were about to purchase a dresser to support this friend's business. The owner said "no way after all you did." "No charge!" It reminded me there are good people out there who truly have appreciative hearts and that do deserve the goodness you try to share.

The weekend only got better because my husband went to work and was given a really nice t.v. stand there again at "No Charge" that matched the book shelf we just bought the children recently. So I must say that while I am a brat at times, I am grateful that God loves me as he does and just continues to bless my family despite my tantrum. It's so good that his Grace and Mercy are new every day! So I will learn to extend the same to my fellow people as I continue to learn their ways.

Is your word not your bond?

I am going to go a little more in detail about some things I have experienced. I was involved in a deal in 2007 here in Charlotte that "a woman of God" agreed to through a religous organization. In the agreement I agreed to pay $550.00 per month. During this term the first month the woman came back to me and said. Well since you were blessed you should bless me and pay $550.00 for the first two weeks. Of course my response was no. For I did not understand why she felt entitled to the blessing God gave my family.

Next, this woman came back and said it is going to cost me more to provide you this service. So I said okay just provide me the receipts. Not once did she come back with the receipts, yet she expected me to pay her more. My husband said "no, she agreed to a flat fee and there should be no adjustments." As a result this woman was upset with my husband and did not want to speak to him further about the agreement for being firm, then she became upset with me because she did not get more money.

However, growing up if we agreed to something we honored it even if we took a loss. My Mom taught us it was our word that we had given and the other party should not be penalized. Therefore, my husband was correct. However, I went one step further and asked that she simply provide the receipt but she never did. So why should she feel I owe her anything after she was paid as agreed and failed to provide the receipts or even a figure? I have tried to get past it and treat her with love but she continues to have an attitude like I really owe her. I asked for the receipts and she seems to think I shouldn't ask for them. I have simply moved on but has she?

I write this for my children so that they will one day understand their parents experiences and learn from our story. My hope is that they will use my writings to their benefit one day.

Friday, June 24, 2011

What is for you is for you and what is for me is for me

I grew up believing your word is your bond. However, since moving to the south. I have learned that a verbal agreement is much like 40 acres and a mule. My mom use to say "a promise is only a comfort to a fool." She would also say "The heart is willing baby but the flesh is weak."

Therefore, forgive me if I expect everything you offer me to be in writing. I have learned that people will offer you whatever sounds good to get what they want but by the end they will have butchered and altered the agreement to fit only their own self gain if you allow it. We were recently offered a dream oportunity, yet when asked to put it in writing the individual could not comply. I was already not at peace. So the reluctance to write the terms only served as a red flag. I sought Godly counsel which confirmed my thoughts.

You see we have been given a vision and each time we share that vision other people try to make it their own and try to run with it. However, each time they have been faced with failure down the road. I believe my error is in believing the vision is so much bigger than me. Their error is in trying to use God's blueprint for us as their own. There is simply too much opportunity and ideas to steal someone' else's business plan or to even steal their thoughts word for word. "You are a designer's original." God truly did not make any counterfeits. Be blessed and be who "God designed you to be."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I hold the village accountable and so should you!

I was advised I take on way too much responsibility for others. However, I believe I saw the village at work and it was always sucessful as a child. I believe as a village we are our brother's keeper and if one child fails we all fail. As I advocated for my children this year, I woke up many nights upset that there were children with no parents standing in their corners and on graduation day I thought how many should have been marching alongside my child.

We fail these children both spiritually and in the natural when we fail to realize their success is indeed our success. Also, that their failures are indeed our failures. It takes one body in Christ to be the difference we want to see. It takes the village to truly succeed!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day My King!

The travel was not easy and our load was not light.
The battles are behind us...... we see the light.
It's time to stand in unity without the constant fight.
Our life has been to live as clean a life as we can.
In an effort to show our children in Christ they can stand.
We never claimed to be perfect only Christ can be.
We promised to stay the course and teach them and help them see.
See what it is to be the best family we can be.
You showed so many because you stood the test of time.
You showed our sons not to abandon ship at the drop of a dime.
We honor you and sing..........
You assumed your position as Husband, Father and King!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stop trying to absolve ourselves of being the Village

Mom once said the church can be a wonderful place "But don't let the church turn you into no fool" and what she was saying is still follow your insides for some will tell you what to do and turn around and say you should not be saying or doing that.

I have learned it is important to sometimes step out of your surroundings when things are not working and get clarity of mind. Attending the Brunch and Blessings recently helped me clarify many things.

What was amazing was what Susan Taylor was saying lined up so perfectly with my own circumstances I could totally relate. When she preached about the force pulling her into the back of the church and her coming to an understanding that she was able to create anything she could see or imagine and that we are the little g's, we are God's hands and feet in this earth. How coming from a catholic background that sounded like blasphemy. I came from a Catholic University so I could some what relate. I could relate when she said seemed like only the Nuns and Pastors had a direct line to God and yet so do we.

I could relate to her saying that it is hard to advocate for yourself but that it is our responsibility to help others once we take care of ourselves. As she testified about getting to that quiet place and the Holy Spirit guiding her to call and ask how she could use her gifts and that she received a 40 percent increase. I thought of becoming a court reporter and how miraculous it was how God blessed me with the greatest opportunity in an unconventional way. My increase was $30.00 an hour. It was amazing how God blessed my life.

What I loved about her message was she was so humble and for once in the south I was not hearing people trying to absolve themselves of the responsibility of being the village. She was not pointing the finger at the oppressed and saying "woman you have the issue of blood because of your unbelief." No it was as if she was imitating Jesus when she said it is not that you are lazy, but you must pull yourself up and realize that you are the blessing. What I heard her saying in summary was you come from great Kings and Queens and you must regain ground and save our children.

Susan Taylor pointed out that we are obviously capable because we can raise $25,000 for the Pastor's anniversary. She just said our priorities are out of place because we have children in school with no books. It is obvious we are a capable people but we must gain control of our mind for that is where the battling is taking place in our communities.

So please let us all stop the finger pointing and the division. Don't tell a sister it is the people in her life that she must change. Then tell the brother he is doing great, but telling the sister he is not. Then tell them it is their fault. We must all take responsibility for where we are as a people. No you may not have caused the problem, but we are either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. The bottom line is we must be the solution that we want to see. Let the division end and the unity begin.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Congratulations Great Prince, you graduated today

I am all smiles today. I was blessed to see my Young African American Prince graduate from high school today! I am so excited because I know what a battlefield these young men face everyday watching my sons go through and come out victoriously is the best Gift from God that one can receive. There were so many distractions along the way. We had to set some programs and activities aside for just a time to stay focused on the tasks at hand. '

I believe that all children can achieve success when placed in the correct environments, equipped with the word of God and education. So I salute you today my first born son, know that you made me appreciate every late night and every conversation! You win this day future King!

The National Mentoring Movement will Rechange Black America

It was such an honor and a blessing to have attended the Susan Taylor Brunch and Blessings event yesterday. It gave me a sense of peace and re-established my purpose. People try to make you feel like you are just complaining when you discuss what you know to be wrong in America. However, to hear people of color in positions of power speak out about what we must do to save our children totally gives you a strong foundation on which to build.

Susan Taylor not only opened the eyes of our understanding, she reminded us of how important it is to rely on the Holy Spirit as your helper. She emphasized that our people are not lazy, but that they are fearful. She helped give perspective on why we haven't been as progressive as we should. She made it clear that we have to change our minds to transform our lives. Her testimony as a struggling single mother who could not advocate for herself but today can advocate for so many others through this movement was outstanding. She expressed how important it is to know as one person we may not change this thing but collectively we can change this crisis for our children.

What touched me deeply was when she said "when her daughter was 1 years old she felt suicidal but she had no one to take care of her daughter" and I thought how many of us go through that? I heard my mother say "that if she did not have to take care of us when we were little she would have gone home to her Lord to be free." It is amazing how our children give us hope and the strength to hold on. Look at what an imperative role they play in our lives. It just further strengthens the argument of their great value and why we must assume our positions and protect the future.

Susan Taylor further shared on our relationships and how we must not give everyone a front row seat in our lives. She stated "sometimes things fall apart for a reason." Stop holding on to people .......and start examining how we treat one another." Her statement truly rang in my ears. She stated "we are not taking care of our communities and our children because we are not taking care of ourselves." She further reminded us that "hurt people hurt people."

Her perspective and her testimony of her ex husband cheating on her was so interesting. She said "she was grateful it fell apart at age 23 and not at 43 or 63 when it would have been more difficult to leave." It truly made one understand that we must always look for the good in every situation even when we think it is a bad one. For as scripture states it is all working out for our good.

I was thoroughly impressed with how Susan Taylor expressed her concern for our young black males and how they may sometimes face post traumatic stress; due to their environments and how their young bodies are not withstanding it as we as adults would. It was truly an eye opener as she expressed the death toll many of our children are facing in the schools and the changes they are facing as the schools are closing down. It truly reopened my eyes to the urgency we all need to have towards becoming mentors and connecting mentors with our children.

In closing, I want to share what truly encouraged me was when she stated "you are made in the image and likeness of God, you have the ability to create anything you see." She also used Paschal's restaurant and Mr. Russell as a true testimony of what a black man accomplished and how he transformed that area even today. It was uplifting and inspinring and I thank God for the opportunity to sit at Susan Taylors feet yesterday and just take in the wisdom she shared with all of us. I have always been grateful for her writings in Essence magazine and I will forever treasure the Essence Book she autographed and blessed us with as a part of our Brunch and Blessings gathering. May God continue to strengthen you as the soldier you are on this journey and may he give all of us the courage and strengthen us to assist in making the Movement change the lives of all of our children to create a better future for all.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congratulations My Beautiful Taylor! You graduated this day Victoriously!

Wow today was victorious in so many ways. My daughter who was once under attack in some ways at this location came out totally on top. You see God always turns around what the enemy means for evil for our good. I am grateful to my husband who said let her finish her school year where she is. I was totally in disagreement for I strongly believe children need christian enrichment and a strong education to excel best in a like minded environment.

However, sometimes it is important to stay the course and let God show up and show out! Taylor graduated receiving 8 certificates, 2 medals and 1 trophy. Most importantly she received the President's Award (medal), the Math (medal) and a Reading trophy. Her success was so significant because although there were some in position who didn't want to see her triumph, she triumphed despite what was attempted because of what was on the inside of her. You see it is the greater one who saw to her success.

As I listened to one administrator with a resentful tone about being the reason for their success ...I just thought God is the reason for every breath we take and for every success. So I congratulate my daughter this day for her hard work and determination, but I give God the absolute Glory for her success and for what He has put on the inside of her manifesting so strongly. I thank God she was blessed with teachers and some wonderful administrators put into position to be guided by the creator. I just have to rejoice that God made this day possible and blessed with willing vessels who contributed to their success.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So much Gratitude for a Successful School Year!!!

I am excited for my children. I know how hard they worked this year and not one complaint that I turned off the cable all year. I said "I think I will turn it on" it was a few weeks early and my son replied "no, just leave it off Mom....it's just a few days until finals." Some people don't need distractions and with a house full I know they are better off concentrating and controlling what they watch via Netflix. Although there were times we even had to disconnect the box and put the laptops away. The greatest part was I didn't have to worry about programming coming in that they did not choose. I know they may not always choose right but the chances are that much less that they will stumble across programs they would not normally watch.

This was about the achievement that took place this year. It was not all easy, I know some teachers hated to see me coming. If I can not get you by phone or email yes I will be right in the office seeking an answer. It is important to me that all children achieve which means it starts with me in my household. I don't go to the schools because it is a hobby I enjoy. I go because I know it is the key to their future success and I want to make sure all avenues have been reviewed to achieve success.

Therefore, I just want to take the time to say thank you to their teachers for all their hard work and dedication. I thank you to all faculty and administration that make it all possible and thank you to the children who try so hard to achieve! Congratulations Mikey for achieving your AR goals and honor roll every quarter you make Mommy's life easy. Thank you for Victor who improves and improves and will one day just like Mikey and Taylor excel at everything he puts his hand to.

Dad thanks for always picking up where I leave off and for your support! You work so hard to make up for so many things and I know I can be demanding but I know they can be brilliant and excel at all God has for them.

I am thanking God for his prayer warriors and for Walter's teachers who truly worked with him and encouraged him and he achieved straight b's in those classes! And last but not least my Justice you excel at everything and sometimes you get weary but you always bounce back. I am so very proud of your achievements in home school, your ability to fix the computers and save us tons of money and your travels to Atlanta to attend your acting workshop. You all keep me active and alert and I appreciate you all so much!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Lord, why does the division bother me so here in the south?

I had to truly ask God why everything must be black and white? I can't go to church or schools without seeing the lines so clearly. So I cried out to God because I know this is not what he intended. His response was "it bothers you because it bothers me." He said "there is no black and white in heaven." Then I went to church on Sunday and our Pastor was preaching on the same thing.

On Saturday, my husband was asked why we chose a certain school for my daughter? Well it's because I want her to know the shell of a man is just that a shell. I found the school had people filled with the love of God on the inside and that is what I want her to know. She knows what it is to be around all people but lately it's just one or the other. Somehow, we will have to leave one side and join the other to become the One Body in Christ God intended us to be. So let it start with me.

As I was listening to the hurt on the insides of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Saturday...I thought oh everyone loves the good of the message but the elephant in the room everyone ignores. Let's only listen to Dr. King in February, and let's listen to Jesus only on Sunday. It will all have to change!

I can't give my children everything, but I can oversee that they come into contact with people filled up with God's love on their insides. I want them to know black, white, purple and pink. I want them to know it is God's love that will stand the test of time. I hope people hear this message and realize that you have to know that God is waiting to invite you in to his "colorless heaven" and we all have to clean up this mess. Realize there will be no black or white when you get to heaven!!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So Grateful, Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

Wow! Today I turn 38 years old and I am so grateful to God for all the love from my husband, children, family and friends and for an amazing school year. I am so grateful for all of you being there for me. I am grateful to my friends who listen by phone, text, articles or Facebook to all my experiences. I am grateful for my church for teaching us the way it should be. I am grateful for my pastor and his wife for being excellent counselors. I am extremely grateful to God for placing all the wonderful people across my path who have been my angels along the way and for even those who bring controversy for without them how can we become strong.

This birthday I look forward to new beginnings, I was once advised you need 3 eights and I said "I have the 8 in my anniversary this year and an 8 in my birthday and I finally found the 3rd 8 in my son turning 18 this year. I am excited about all the wonderful new beginnings that this year has brought forth and I am so excited about the GOODNESS OF GOD!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Brunch & Blessings w/ Susan Taylor on June 12, 2011

On Sunday June 12, 2011 you have a chance to make a difference in the life of a child. The National Cares Mentoring Movement is hosting Brunch and Blessings with Susan Taylor. You may take part in and connect caring adults with children or give of yourself in a life changing way. There is nothing more important than our children because they are truly the key to the future. It is our responsibility as the village to come together and be the difference. Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity to give of yourself and change the world one child at a time.