Sunday, April 24, 2011

He Lives! Celebrate the true reason for this season!

When you truly think about the crucifixion of our Lord and saviour it makes you say "My God, My God" I know you have not forsaken me. After what the Lord went through for us, we know that our afflictions are not only temporal but a light affliction in comparison. Judas betrayed him with a kiss, they sought false witnesses to crucify him, they spat in his face, tortured then killed our Lord and saviour.

We must reflect this day on the ultimate sacrifice. You can draw from Pilate's wife saying "have nothing to do with this for he is a just man, for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him" Matthew 27:19. Pilate himself wanted to wash his hands of his innocent blood. Yet he let the crowd lead him as do many of us in our moments of weakness. We have to understand there is always a cost.

The next time we think to complain, think about the price he has already paid. For you see they stripped our precious saviour of his clothes and put on his scarlet robe. They planted the crown of thorns on his head and a reed in his right hand. They then mocked him saying "Hail King of the Jews." When they were finished they took the robe and put his clothes back on. They gave him vinegar to drink mixed with gall and he would not drink it. They crucified Him and cast lots for his clothes. The two thieves were crucified with him.

It was at the ninth hour that he cried out "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, which is "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me." They went on to mock him saying "he calls for Elias saying see if he will deliver Him." And when He gave up the ghost, the earth quaked and they said "Truly this was the Son of God." They crucified our Jesus but he rose again and he's coming for his people once again. Celebrate our savior for He is the only reason for this season!

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