Wednesday, December 7, 2011

There's no sense in being if we can't be right

As I go day to day, I have tried my best to be the best child of God that I can be. If that means or meant shutting down all communication and cutting off everybody to get my house in order then that is what I must do. I can not live my life desiring to be the person God created me to be with the constatnt obstacles that have presented themselves. I certainly can not live in two worlds. I have tried my best to follow Godly counsel and step back and allow things to be in order.

However, sometimes the disorder will eventually have to be put in order. As I have spent time in the emergency room battling with my health. I realized there is only so much any one person can take. So moving forward I will do what God has put in my heart and just live my life until I can live the life God has designed for me.In essence I have decided to let go and let God but be sensible in the process. Continue to keep me in prayer saints for I know God is definitely Able!

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