Sunday, December 25, 2011

As the year ends many things will change

The end of 2011 will close out an important chapter in my life. I will enter 2012 meeting the desires of my heart by doing. I will take that long overdue trip to Paris to do some soul searching. I will spend the year writing the 2 books waiting to be birthed that are on the inside of me.

As I observed the women in my book, I answered one important question, why do women stay in abusive relationships so long? It is simple abusers are more loyal than anyone the victim has to rely on. So be loyal (something we have lost along the way as a people) if you really want to help someone find their way.

So may God Bless You All because it's been awesome sharing my journey and leaving my children with a piece of me publicly. It will certainly help me stay grounded, humble and filled with love and understanding. I am hoping that in all my transparency, I have touched at least one life and helped some better understand my mother's journey as well as my own.

Last but not least it was amazing celebrating the gifts that God has blessed my life with, our family without a doubt outweighed any gift we could receive. My son Mikey bought me a treasure box and my husband filled it with treasures and love as well as my beautiful daughter and handsome sons. The gifts were so priceless because there was so much thought in the process, it was just amazing how well they know my heart and how God blessed me with loved one's who met every need. Thanks Sister, neice and nephew for the beautiful gifts and know I appreciate you more than you know. Be Blessed!

Love Always,

signing off in 2011........

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