Saturday, November 1, 2014

Seperating the person from the action is imperative

              For several reasons I have learned I have to separate the action from the person not to hate or resent people. I have to remind myself often that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. My husband does this way better than me. When you are working towards the greater good you have to know the Devil will send opposition and it will come from the people you least expect to disappoint you.

           You have to learn how to jump over the hurdles and keep it moving. I suppose this is why I don't allow too many people to get close to me. Because I have not mastered this yet. If I notice you can't be trusted for the long haul there's no reason to be that open to you. I take great care with people's feeling as I would my own. So I don't want anyone to get hurt.

             However, I have learned there will always be counterfeit friends and therefore, I must be very careful in my dealings since God has entrusted me with so many lives.

              I  recently understood what it means to have someone you really love become truly ill because of other people believing their circumstances are more the priority. Not truly realizing the load that my husband carries people tend to pull at him from all directions. I have learned to shut that down. I am working on preserving his life because we have a lot of growing old gracefully to do.

             I have tried to teach my children they are better together to destroy division as I feel it is a family curse. It isn't easy but my goal is to always be selective but to choose unity over confusion especially among those I truly love. So as I enter a new season I am Grateful to God for answering my prayers and showing me the hearts of man. I am grateful that he removed people who don't have the heart to know him and surrounded me with people who do. I continue to pray that He will surround my children with Godly relationships and send the right people into their lives so that they may be used for God's Glory and God only!

Be blessed.....I am here but for a time so use me for your Glory God....for it is you and you only I choose to serve:-)

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