In my quiet time and my season alone. I have been asking God how to prooceed and his answer was to proceed like the ants. As I went about my daily routines I have been doing just that and I must say what a blessing it has been. You see it does not matter how much money you make. It matters what you do with the money you make. My heart has always been to give God what is Gods first and proceed from there.
My mother taught us early that the tithe belongs to God. When I would go to church she would give me $20.00 bills and say put it in the plate. Somehow that peaked generosity in my heart and I had always been a tither. It must be why it was such a battle in my home. It was what came easy to me and the enemy fought me on every opportunity.
However, outside of the tithe the investments we make into our family and homes is a significant portion of whether we will have or not have. This year I was once again blessed to proceed like the ant. I enjoyed Target, the Gap and other major store sales. I bought entire dish sets for $3.54 and coats for $4.98 and clothes as low as .98 cents. It was a true blessing but as I looked at what I would have spent it was an absolute blessing and God always had me at the right place at the right time. So be wise, be vigiliant and proceed like the ant!
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