Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Giving God the Absolute Glory

I wanted to wait to discuss Thanksgiving as we need to be thankful at all times. We enjoyed the presence of family coming together and it was amazing to see how the children had grown and how they appreciated seeing one another. I love it when people come together and can appreciate one another's absence at anytime because it makes you realize how precious life is and how it can change at any moment. I truly appreciated the celebrations of life for rap artist Heavy D. I believe it further helped people realize life is not promised and that we should cherish those we love or even take for granted.

I thoroughly enjoyed observing others this holiday season and it certainly gave me a greater appreciation. The celebration for me simply was not about food. As I ended the holiday my prayer to God was simply have your way Lord. I want to be in His total will. So as I grieve the loss of things and people, I celebrate the new life and new things He has given to us as we watch old things pass away and all things becoming new. Thanking and praising the Almighty God for new life and new beginnings!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The importance of family

As I woke up this morning reflecting on what is important. I thought about this month and how I gave my home schooled child Lynwood a career assessment. He answered one question to my surprise. The question was: if there was one adult he could be like who would it be and why? He responded "I want to be like my Mom because she is so kind to everyone." I you never really know what children are thinking of you. He is a child of little words but always thinking.

My baby is 9 years old and so intelligent and just an absolute joy to raise and teach. I am always impressed by how he wakes up and is ready. He brushes his teeth etc. and is ready to be where he needs to with little to no prompting from me. He is rare and what I call easy to raise as my Mom use to say about me. She would say "she never gives me any trouble she just does what she is suppose to." ......very similar to my daughter as well.

I always think about Proverbs and how it says one day your children will rise up and call you blessed. That is such a motivation in pouring all of me into my family. There is nothing on this earth that I can take with me except my family and therefore, my priority is always my family. I am just very grateful that God has blessed me with such a wonderful and caring family above all else. For they are worth far more than rubies or gold.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grateful to God for a continuous hedge of protection

I am excited because without the trial, how would you know you passed the test? Last week my children and family were under trial and my car under repair. I turned to my son and said "Are you praying before you leave this house? I had sensed he was becoming complacent, his first year in college and priorities can tend to change for some. He is my oldest and he had his first accident.

His moped went in one direction and he went in the other. The light turned red and stopped the flow of traffic right on time and he walked away without a broken bone and so I give God the absolute glory. I imagined how much could have occurred and I was elated he was so protected.

I was having chest pains on and off. Then my baby 9 year old Mikey woke up with his heart racing and he was rushed to the emergency room. They ran all the x-rays and tests and found he just had a mysterious encounter. I would have been in such a panic years ago but I simply prayed and turned it over to the Lord and just knew God would give him a good report.

When raising children there will always be something going on but I am so grateful to God that He is always surrounding them with his goodness and a continuous hedge of protection.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sandusky..monsters only exist because we let them

My silence has been peaceful. However, in the current Sandusky scandal, I have decided to speak. I am irritated by everyone's shock. We live in a society governed by laws. We carried on during the Eddie Long trial and my response was until we change the laws and protect children we need to look deeper. We should know the fact that the homosexual agenda in this country is far deeper than the Long trial. The laws are manipulated so predators such as Sandusky (the elite and powerful) and other perverts can harm or rape children. It is historical and the homosexual agenda in this country is all a part of breaking down the value of a man or boy.

It is heart breaking and my heart goes out to the parents because we all know when some thing is wrong and we try to protect our children the best we can. I advised I removed my children from public school for various reasons but specifically from one location because they were being surrounded by perversion and what I saw as predators, it just was not worth learning a language to place them in that environment. Also being taught homosexuality just happens, everything we do is a decision. As we were taught as children, you only HAVE to stay the color you were born and die and everything else is a decision.

For a grown man to even shower with an 8 year old and admit it on television shows we have become a desensitized society. I only hope that like in other countries we realize that sometimes we have to be harsher as the Bible says if a member of the body causes an offense it is better to "remove it." In other countries they remove the part of the body that has committed the crime. It is time that in our law we make stronger consequences for harming children. Even prisoners seem to have better sense than our law makers.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


My first encounter with Entertainment Books was in 2005 for my son's public school. We raised a ton of money. Here we are today starting off our own fundraiser to expose the children to more opportunity. As I learn to train my older boys to mentor my younger boys, it has been awesome watching my older boys come up with lesson plans and just giving back. I was raised to see a problem and find a solution.

Therefore, as a mom of 4 African American males I realized it is my duty to be the change I want to see. I have spent the last year customizing their education and believing God for the greatest possible outcome. Please support our efforts to partner with places like Discovery Place, UNCC and other organizations as we take the children to Global levels and show the enemy that with God All Things Are Possible and that race will not define their altitude but that creating bonds that can not be broken and having a Christ centered education will make all the difference in the world.

The ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS will save you tons of money and help you donate to the greatest gift in EDUCATION....we will close our sale December 10, 2011

OUR CODE IS 1073172



Totally enjoyed my handsome prince turning 15 yesterday. We granted his humble wish to simply spend time with his family and best friends. He only wanted to enjoy his party at his favorite spot CiCi's pizza. We absolutely enjoyed each others presence and the opportunity to celebrate family. Some people never get it but he has it at 15 that there is nothing more valuable that makes you rich than your family. Blessings.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Congratulations Taylor!

I am just excited for my daughter and her great success entering Middle School. She totally finished STRONG this quarter strong with a 3.75 GPA to be specific-). Thanks for making Mommy smile all week long! Your hard work is paying off...Love Mom