Friday, September 30, 2011
Thankful that my firstborn turned 18 today
Today has been an awesome day in my journey. My first born child turns 18 today. I could not be more excited for my son. In all that we have experienced, I must say he is by far a true blessing. He has been a true gift from God. Our children can go through but when I look at the overall outcome, I just have to give God the absolute Glory that he has kept us and made you...... my son the awesome man that he has created you to be.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The church is the one place you should feel celebrated
With all the craziness in the world the church is the one place you should go and feel celebrated. The phrase was "go where you are celebrated and not tolerated." When I saw that phrase it pulled me back into reality and helped me see man in the situation I was facing.
I thought about the prodigal son and how God demonstrated his love for the returning son and how loving the Father was. That's the God I was introduced to as a child and the God I want to remember,(not "the God standing in the corner with the baseball bat") so today I remind you to make people feel celebrated not tolerated. Man is definitely not our source. Do WWJD let's not just "talk about a love walk"....let's be about our father's business in every sense of the word!
It's not what you say it's how you say it!
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with everyone.”—Romans 12:18 So may my peace be unto each and everyone of you.
I thought about the prodigal son and how God demonstrated his love for the returning son and how loving the Father was. That's the God I was introduced to as a child and the God I want to remember,(not "the God standing in the corner with the baseball bat") so today I remind you to make people feel celebrated not tolerated. Man is definitely not our source. Do WWJD let's not just "talk about a love walk"....let's be about our father's business in every sense of the word!
It's not what you say it's how you say it!
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, be at peace with everyone.”—Romans 12:18 So may my peace be unto each and everyone of you.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
An awesome experience at Windy Gap

I am truly grateful to God for blessing my daughter with a school that gave her an awesome spiritual experience. My daughter spent 3 days at Windy Gap. My daughter came back so joy filled and excited. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity and I can not do anything but give God the absolute glory. It restores my faith and reminds me this mission is truly about Jesus.
God has truly took these trying times that the enemy meant for evil and turned them into good. I am just rejoicing knowing that God had blessed her life and surrounded her with people filled with the love of God in their hearts. Thank you for touching her life in a super natural way and may God continue to pour his blessings on each and everyone of you that crossed her path and poured into her life.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Troy Davis will not be died that others may live
He died with honor and he will not be forgotten. Black men die every day in America in the same fashion. The difference is he was able to get a break through to the national media. I was saddened by the reaction of the family of the officer. That man lost his life and his family now suffers your pain unfairly. He has been delivered to you.
It was clear that Georgia knew they were wrong. However, that almighty dollar prevented them from making the right decision. "There would be law suits" if they admitted their error. It so reminded me of Jesus and Pilot. You paused because you knew you were shedding innocent blood. Some how I believe they hoped the Supreme Court would make the right decision. However, you will all have his blood on your hands.
Somehow, we believe there is never a price to pay. However, on September 21, 2011 at 11:08 pm you took the life of an innocent man of God and it became national news. It may be forgiven but it will never be forgotten.
It was clear that Georgia knew they were wrong. However, that almighty dollar prevented them from making the right decision. "There would be law suits" if they admitted their error. It so reminded me of Jesus and Pilot. You paused because you knew you were shedding innocent blood. Some how I believe they hoped the Supreme Court would make the right decision. However, you will all have his blood on your hands.
Somehow, we believe there is never a price to pay. However, on September 21, 2011 at 11:08 pm you took the life of an innocent man of God and it became national news. It may be forgiven but it will never be forgotten.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My husband has been quite honorable!
Just FYI thanks for all the concern but my husband has truly been honorable. The friend was truly a friend of question that made an advance and my husband ignored her. It was a situation that just irritated me. My mother always said misery loves company. I just always thought I had friends who shared my heart about boundaries. There are simply some things you just don't share.i.e. my husband, my toothbrush etc. So sometimes we realize our friends may not be who we think they are and that is okay.
We just have to move on and grow from our experiences. My husband said "you may have calmed down a lot but he simply finds no interest in putting his life at risk." He knows I love but life goes on. You can not control anyone but you. I therefore make it plain it is all or nothing. There is no dipping in my life. You are either true or move on and maybe one day we will meet again. I wish you the best old friend. This chapter of my life is therefore closed.......
We just have to move on and grow from our experiences. My husband said "you may have calmed down a lot but he simply finds no interest in putting his life at risk." He knows I love but life goes on. You can not control anyone but you. I therefore make it plain it is all or nothing. There is no dipping in my life. You are either true or move on and maybe one day we will meet again. I wish you the best old friend. This chapter of my life is therefore closed.......
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Stay by Tyrese in stores 11-1-11...See Exclusive photos!!!!

I am very excited to see Tyrese continuing to promote the healing process of real life issues. It's wonderful how they show that "black love is a beautiful thing." You see although the video starts off with Taraji being totally upset by Tyrese being self absorbed. He realizes that his relationship is what is important. He starts off a little harsh in his response but soon realizes she is not playing and he shows he really wants his relationship to work.

Check out the video here on how he seals the deal: STAY- TYRESE~VIDEO
Tyrese shares this heartfelt quote:
"The man above has been expanding my territories into many different amazing things. But rest assured, that my FIRST and ONLY LOVE is still MUSIC. I’ve read your letters, tweets, Facebook, MySpace and emails. I’ve listened to your voice mails and more importantly, I’ve run into you in person and you’ve all wanted me to do it again. So, come 11.1.11, my new album “OPEN INVITATION” will be launched globally for you to listen and feel my heart & soul that I put into the album....."

This is a beautiful song that will hit the stores on 11-1-11. It is so important that we support Tyrese in his efforts as he launches "Stay" on his independent label Voltron Recordz.

Remember to check out this link below:
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I can see your face and not know your heart
This has been a trying time, but God. I have faced a gesture of betrayal, flat tires, but I am rejoicing knowing "How Great is My God." I have truly had to say Devil it's you. No one has friendships for 2 decades only to have your trust betrayed. If there is one thing I have never wanted it was someone else's man. I truly take this very seriously, it may mean nothing to the world to respect marriage but it means everything to me. You see nothing good comes from evil.
My son recently told a male friend that he felt betrayed one of "their boys." "Man, you ain't right, until you straighten this don't even talk to me." My son is 14 years old and understands what's your is yours and what's for me is for me. I thought wow he is taking this so seriously. You just don't invade other people's lives with foolishness. I know people hurt people all the time and hurt people try to hurt other people. "I live" ...."what God has put together let no man put asunder" because if it becomes a stinch in God's nose it is definitely significant to me.
I do try my best to hold no grudge but some times I have to evaluate the types of people I may allow around my family. I love with an everlasting love especially friends and family but usually when I say's goodbye. So I am seeking prayer in the area of trusting others right now. I truly feel like CeCe Winans song "tired of the Devil messin' with me"....when I need to be Waging War.
My son recently told a male friend that he felt betrayed one of "their boys." "Man, you ain't right, until you straighten this don't even talk to me." My son is 14 years old and understands what's your is yours and what's for me is for me. I thought wow he is taking this so seriously. You just don't invade other people's lives with foolishness. I know people hurt people all the time and hurt people try to hurt other people. "I live" ...."what God has put together let no man put asunder" because if it becomes a stinch in God's nose it is definitely significant to me.
I do try my best to hold no grudge but some times I have to evaluate the types of people I may allow around my family. I love with an everlasting love especially friends and family but usually when I say's goodbye. So I am seeking prayer in the area of trusting others right now. I truly feel like CeCe Winans song "tired of the Devil messin' with me"....when I need to be Waging War.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Online and Home school resources
As a result of my passion to see children succeed no matter their income level. I have created a website that is a spin off from our facebook group....
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Prayer for a peace that surpasses all understanding
As I think of the people who have lost their family members in the 9/11 attack, my heart continues to go out to each and everyone of you. Many of us take it for granted that we will have tomorrow. However, it is times such as this, that remind me how much we should appreciate those around us and just love like nobody's business so that there are no regrets.....May God Bless You all and give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.
I end this blog sending a shout of love to all those who I have come into contact with.
I end this blog sending a shout of love to all those who I have come into contact with.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
My heartfelt apology to any I have offended
My heart goes out to the various families that have been going through. It especially goes out to our church family as they grieve. My writing has been in an effort to serve as a testimony and to leave my family an account or record of what has occurred so that history will not necessarily repeat itself. As I look over circumstances, I realize I have grieved the hearts of some women and men of God and that has not been my intention. I write in love. I only hope that my writings will help us see what is causing people to stray away from their faith.
I never ever meant to cause anyone any harm, whether it be by an offense or by anything I have done. Know I love my sisters and brothers in Christ with an everlasting love. When I returned to Charlotte a prophecy came forth that there would be hurt and rejection but that the woman of God would be the one to welcome someone I love dearly into heaven. You see we know not who will be able to enter the kingdom. I only hope we try to love one another and pray for one another like only Christ would. As I work on having more compassion and strengthening my love walk, I only pray we all take an account and continue to grow in love.
I never ever meant to cause anyone any harm, whether it be by an offense or by anything I have done. Know I love my sisters and brothers in Christ with an everlasting love. When I returned to Charlotte a prophecy came forth that there would be hurt and rejection but that the woman of God would be the one to welcome someone I love dearly into heaven. You see we know not who will be able to enter the kingdom. I only hope we try to love one another and pray for one another like only Christ would. As I work on having more compassion and strengthening my love walk, I only pray we all take an account and continue to grow in love.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Come out from among them and be ye separate
Anyone who really knows me knows I have struggled with this scripture in the Bible. I have had trouble believing it means what it is used for. When I read about Jesus I read about a loving being who made the ultimate sacrifice for humanity. I have believed it is the one scripture the enemy tortures believers with. I have always thought if you can believe God for all the stuff in the world then why shouldn't we believe God that we can win souls? For that..... in my opinion is what is most important to the body of Christ.
It relieved me as I taught my sons about Matthew this week. I let them listen to the series from Oral Roberts and he confirmed my thoughts that we are never to be afraid to be among unbelievers. I always said how can you win someone to Christ if you don't truly love them. Well Oral Roberts said when we as the body of Christ think we can't be around unbelievers that is fear of someone else's failure. You basically saw someone fall to the ways of the world, they were trying to win someone to Christ and now you have become afraid to win people to Christ but isn't that our purpose? He said in summary .......the mere fact that you are helping them come out of what you went through should make you realize that you should not be afraid. Therefore, I will not be afraid to be among them, I will be concerned for where they will spend their eternity. I just want to strengthen my love walk more and more each day.
It relieved me as I taught my sons about Matthew this week. I let them listen to the series from Oral Roberts and he confirmed my thoughts that we are never to be afraid to be among unbelievers. I always said how can you win someone to Christ if you don't truly love them. Well Oral Roberts said when we as the body of Christ think we can't be around unbelievers that is fear of someone else's failure. You basically saw someone fall to the ways of the world, they were trying to win someone to Christ and now you have become afraid to win people to Christ but isn't that our purpose? He said in summary .......the mere fact that you are helping them come out of what you went through should make you realize that you should not be afraid. Therefore, I will not be afraid to be among them, I will be concerned for where they will spend their eternity. I just want to strengthen my love walk more and more each day.
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