I was recently asked "as Christians why we are so tolerant?" That question stuck in my mind. The only answer I can give is our foundation is love. We overlook offenses and we tolerate other people's views in an effort not to offend and to have the opportunity to win them to Christ. We come from a God of love and humility. We are imitators of Christ.
When Jesus came to win the lost, he loved them, he cured them, he forgave them and yes he corrected them but he did it in love. He did not condemn them because he knew that would create bondage and therefore only assist the enemy. So to answer that question. We are created in the image of a God of love who came to set the captives free. It is our duty to love for love overcomes everything. Accordng to 1 Corinthians 13 if we don't have love we have accomplished nothing. So it is our love that reveals who we are in Christ.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
How Can I Be a Blessing Lord? It's the quality not the quantity...
Are we waking up wondering how can I be a blessing Lord? I have a testimony I am sharing to help you understand why I believe God whispered it's not the quantity it's the quality recently. I was reviewing the purpose of Facebook and why we race to add friends. I understand it's a great networking tool and I hope I have added people with purpose and passion with an outstanding love for people because that is my purpose. After hearing it's the quality not the quantity I am working to implement that in every area of my life.
I am truly working on my obedience. Recently I was in church and I had just been in such pain and the pain left as I was sitting in service. So when my pastors wife called us up for tooth pain, I was like Lord there are so many people in here. How do I know it is me? I don't want to err or be seen, I just want to sit here and listen. I was so miserable about this toothache I didn't even realize I was healed.
Sure enough my pastors wife said thank you to those of you who were obedient. It wasn't just that ....both my sons said Mom "that's you...go up." So I left feeling pretty convicted at that point but it helped me see how disobedient I had been. It wasn't about me and my comfort level. It was about being a testimony and I missed it.
Never the less the true testimony is in our obedience. I saw a little girl wearing a jacket that was tattered and worn and it was too small and I said Lord I have some things I can give her. I then thought actually as I had previously mentioned, I was working like the ant during the winter sales and I thought about the brand new items I purchased for my future children's store. I said my chance to be a blessing. So I said "she can have the new jacket."
I did not realize how special that jacket would become. That little girl wore that jacket everyday and just seemed to love it so much. You could not have handed me any amount of money that would take the place of her smile. Not only was she happy it touched me in such a special way because that is the reason I want a children's store. When I see a need I want to know I can meet it immediately. I never want to see a child do without. They did not ask to come into this world and it is our responsibility as the village to see to it that they not suffer.
I share this reluctantly because it was not about being seen. It was an intimate encounter for me. I share it because God has placed it on my heart repeatedly. Not only did he bless my heart with her big smile, a few days later a lady my husband met came to our house and said "you guys may not even need this but I know what it is to raise 5 children. She said "I was out shopping and hope that your children can use these items but if you can't please bless someone else." Not only did God bless me to be a blessing, he used that gift and blessed all of my children with one act of obedience. I could have given that child the clothes my daughter no longer wears (and that is okay too) but instead God laid it on my heart that I had something new for her.
In turn he blessed all of my children with more than enough. God had to lay that on the heart of a perfect stranger to go out and purchase clothes for my children. God simply is an amazing God, just know that when he places it on your heart to give. Give your best and it will definitely come back to you. It isn't always about the quantity it is the quality of your gift for he knows your heart.
I am truly working on my obedience. Recently I was in church and I had just been in such pain and the pain left as I was sitting in service. So when my pastors wife called us up for tooth pain, I was like Lord there are so many people in here. How do I know it is me? I don't want to err or be seen, I just want to sit here and listen. I was so miserable about this toothache I didn't even realize I was healed.
Sure enough my pastors wife said thank you to those of you who were obedient. It wasn't just that ....both my sons said Mom "that's you...go up." So I left feeling pretty convicted at that point but it helped me see how disobedient I had been. It wasn't about me and my comfort level. It was about being a testimony and I missed it.
Never the less the true testimony is in our obedience. I saw a little girl wearing a jacket that was tattered and worn and it was too small and I said Lord I have some things I can give her. I then thought actually as I had previously mentioned, I was working like the ant during the winter sales and I thought about the brand new items I purchased for my future children's store. I said my chance to be a blessing. So I said "she can have the new jacket."
I did not realize how special that jacket would become. That little girl wore that jacket everyday and just seemed to love it so much. You could not have handed me any amount of money that would take the place of her smile. Not only was she happy it touched me in such a special way because that is the reason I want a children's store. When I see a need I want to know I can meet it immediately. I never want to see a child do without. They did not ask to come into this world and it is our responsibility as the village to see to it that they not suffer.
I share this reluctantly because it was not about being seen. It was an intimate encounter for me. I share it because God has placed it on my heart repeatedly. Not only did he bless my heart with her big smile, a few days later a lady my husband met came to our house and said "you guys may not even need this but I know what it is to raise 5 children. She said "I was out shopping and hope that your children can use these items but if you can't please bless someone else." Not only did God bless me to be a blessing, he used that gift and blessed all of my children with one act of obedience. I could have given that child the clothes my daughter no longer wears (and that is okay too) but instead God laid it on my heart that I had something new for her.
In turn he blessed all of my children with more than enough. God had to lay that on the heart of a perfect stranger to go out and purchase clothes for my children. God simply is an amazing God, just know that when he places it on your heart to give. Give your best and it will definitely come back to you. It isn't always about the quantity it is the quality of your gift for he knows your heart.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
He Lives! Celebrate the true reason for this season!
When you truly think about the crucifixion of our Lord and saviour it makes you say "My God, My God" I know you have not forsaken me. After what the Lord went through for us, we know that our afflictions are not only temporal but a light affliction in comparison. Judas betrayed him with a kiss, they sought false witnesses to crucify him, they spat in his face, tortured then killed our Lord and saviour.
We must reflect this day on the ultimate sacrifice. You can draw from Pilate's wife saying "have nothing to do with this for he is a just man, for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him" Matthew 27:19. Pilate himself wanted to wash his hands of his innocent blood. Yet he let the crowd lead him as do many of us in our moments of weakness. We have to understand there is always a cost.
The next time we think to complain, think about the price he has already paid. For you see they stripped our precious saviour of his clothes and put on his scarlet robe. They planted the crown of thorns on his head and a reed in his right hand. They then mocked him saying "Hail King of the Jews." When they were finished they took the robe and put his clothes back on. They gave him vinegar to drink mixed with gall and he would not drink it. They crucified Him and cast lots for his clothes. The two thieves were crucified with him.
It was at the ninth hour that he cried out "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, which is "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me." They went on to mock him saying "he calls for Elias saying see if he will deliver Him." And when He gave up the ghost, the earth quaked and they said "Truly this was the Son of God." They crucified our Jesus but he rose again and he's coming for his people once again. Celebrate our savior for He is the only reason for this season!
We must reflect this day on the ultimate sacrifice. You can draw from Pilate's wife saying "have nothing to do with this for he is a just man, for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him" Matthew 27:19. Pilate himself wanted to wash his hands of his innocent blood. Yet he let the crowd lead him as do many of us in our moments of weakness. We have to understand there is always a cost.
The next time we think to complain, think about the price he has already paid. For you see they stripped our precious saviour of his clothes and put on his scarlet robe. They planted the crown of thorns on his head and a reed in his right hand. They then mocked him saying "Hail King of the Jews." When they were finished they took the robe and put his clothes back on. They gave him vinegar to drink mixed with gall and he would not drink it. They crucified Him and cast lots for his clothes. The two thieves were crucified with him.
It was at the ninth hour that he cried out "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani, which is "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me." They went on to mock him saying "he calls for Elias saying see if he will deliver Him." And when He gave up the ghost, the earth quaked and they said "Truly this was the Son of God." They crucified our Jesus but he rose again and he's coming for his people once again. Celebrate our savior for He is the only reason for this season!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Great Honor and Much Respect to the African American male in America
I write this after raising 4 African American males and watching what my husband faces. As I watch him fight for the basic rights to participate in his childrens school activities where he is made to feel like he does not belong. To the way they are treated in society. It is amazing how resilient our men can be.
I must give honor to our men for hanging in there despite the odds, despite the job loss and the discrimination. They do raise their children to become men of honor that will some day be leaders of this nation. I often wonder why they seem to be a threat even when they have led clean lives and have worked so hard to maintain. It only leaves me astonished that the fact that they came from Great Kings both in the natural and spirit is the reason they pose such a threat to those in positions of power.
It will not matter that more African American males are in prison today than there were enslaved in the 1850's because the one thing I am certain of is that the time is near. God is saying your prisons will FAIL and you will "let his people go!"
I must give honor to our men for hanging in there despite the odds, despite the job loss and the discrimination. They do raise their children to become men of honor that will some day be leaders of this nation. I often wonder why they seem to be a threat even when they have led clean lives and have worked so hard to maintain. It only leaves me astonished that the fact that they came from Great Kings both in the natural and spirit is the reason they pose such a threat to those in positions of power.
It will not matter that more African American males are in prison today than there were enslaved in the 1850's because the one thing I am certain of is that the time is near. God is saying your prisons will FAIL and you will "let his people go!"
Love doesn't have to hurt
As I listen to my lovely sisters speak of the hurt and the pain in their lives. I must say the best advise I ever heard was when my pastors wife said "You should never have to hold on to a man. You should always ask him which way are you leaving the window or the door?"
You see when you were a child you acted like a child but it is now time to put away foolish things. I say that to say "If it hurts me more that you should stay then it is time for you to go." I never want to be in a situation again where a man feels he can have his cake and eat it too. We are far more valuable than that. We are worth far more than gold and way more precious than rubies. God loves you and he really does want you to make room for the one who loves you like Christ loved the church. You deserve a Boaz!
If it is one thing I want my daughter to understand in this life....... it is that when one door closes the right door has the opportunity to open. God has blessed me with a harder heart in terms of love and for that I am grateful. I may love too much at times but overall people understand that when I love you....... I love you wholeheartedly but severing ties is something I am willing to do. I understand that you are either the vessel that God has chosen for me or you are not. We have to get to a place where we are willing to let go and let God. I have learned to pray that God will allow his perfect will to be done in my life because only God truly knows.
You see when you were a child you acted like a child but it is now time to put away foolish things. I say that to say "If it hurts me more that you should stay then it is time for you to go." I never want to be in a situation again where a man feels he can have his cake and eat it too. We are far more valuable than that. We are worth far more than gold and way more precious than rubies. God loves you and he really does want you to make room for the one who loves you like Christ loved the church. You deserve a Boaz!
If it is one thing I want my daughter to understand in this life....... it is that when one door closes the right door has the opportunity to open. God has blessed me with a harder heart in terms of love and for that I am grateful. I may love too much at times but overall people understand that when I love you....... I love you wholeheartedly but severing ties is something I am willing to do. I understand that you are either the vessel that God has chosen for me or you are not. We have to get to a place where we are willing to let go and let God. I have learned to pray that God will allow his perfect will to be done in my life because only God truly knows.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Happy Birthday Momma! Sorry social security was another 40 acres and a mule myth!
It is the eve of both my moms birthdays. My mom died 6 years ago after working 2-3 jobs becoming plagued with diabetes, becoming legally blind, kidney problems and a heart attack and never receiving her social security benefits. I must say there has been nothing more difficult for me to deal with. Usually we put flowers on her grave but as I reflected........ whenever I sent her flowers on her birthday she would say don't waste the money. And as I reflected on what she thought of death she always said "be there when people are alive and need you not when it's too late." She said "that is why she did not see the point in flying to England when her Mom died." She said if everyone wanted to unite them...why not when she was alive?
So I will honor Momma by working on making this life better for her grandchildren and the generation to come. I have decided that I will not die working for a social security check and a retirement plan that will never manifest itself. No I will not believe in another 40 acres and a mule. Some how I know there is another plan for me.
Now I am preparing to call my Step Mom in the morning who also worked her entire life building up a social security system that has denied her benefits after 6 bouts with Cancer because she has had to work despite her illness. However, after her letter to the president, they have decided to approve but she was unaware of the unspoken rule that without an attorney you will be denied your back pay. So here she is being paid $1,000.00 by social security while cobra takes $800.00 each month since she is not eligible for Medicare. Imagine those seniors in this nation without family to try to bridge the gap. It breaks my heart to know I am not in a position to simply buy her a new car and pay off her mortgage and make life that much easier for her.
What really breaks my heart is we can send money to other nations, yet turn our backs on the sick and the elderly right here. The very people who have worked so hard and paid taxes their entire lives. There simply has to be a better way!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Awesome! TSAW :Tasha Smith Acting Workshop!!!!!

After doing some research, I finally found a woman who loves God teaching children about the Acting industry. Of course the woman of God I was referring to was Tasha Smith. After a lot of research, seeing Tasha Smith give her testimony on Streaming Faith and a phone/mentoring conversation with Aries Marvin Uzzle who shared great advice. (Thank you to Anne for the referral.)
I decided I wanted my son to have the proper training and I decided to enroll him in the TSAW workshop. I was extremely impressed with their choice of location, the professionalism and their desire to pour so much into the children. With only my extra background in "Lean on Me" I knew I needed to learn way more. I decided who better to teach him than the pro's. Not only was the workshop awesome it was affordable. The valuable techniques and recommendations were worth far more than the workshop fee.
I always wanted to help my children learn more about the industry but I was hesitant because of all the shows I don't allow them to watch. However, when Tyler Perry began making movies, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel and I believe we are headed towards more and more positive opportunities and films where we see ourselves as God designed us to be.
I was extremely impressed with Wendy McKenzie, Casting Director and owner of "In the Wink of an Eye, LLC" who told it like it was. She truly involved the parents and made sure we knew what to do..... to "Just Be"and "Just Do" what needs to be done. I look forward to many more successful workshops and highly recommend taking your children to participate in this safe and encouraging environment where you will see clearly what it takes to be truly successful in acting!To participate in the upcoming workshops go to the TSAW link below:
Please watch Tasha's awesome testimony on Streaming Faith and the awesome links:
TSAW: Tasha Smith Actors Workshop
Wendy McKenzie Casting Director:
Friday, April 8, 2011
So Inspired! A Woman of God using her influence to change lives!
I have been so inspired by Joel Osteen's message about becoming Dream Releaser's and after listening to Tyrese's online press release. I have decided to dedicate my Blog writing to highlighting the good works of Dream Releaser's who have a sincerity of heart. I look forward to giving you more information on a Dream Releaser who is hot!
She is definitely using her sphere of influence to releasing the dreams of others. Not only is she a woman, she is a woman of God opening doors for others in a miraculous way. So keep your eye's open and your ears alert as I follow the lives of people who don't need anything. For they have arrived at a place where they understand, "God has brought me to the place of more than enough." They truly want that for you too!
They have taken the time to realize "God did it for me." Should I not reach back and help someone else to see them fulfill their potential. It is an honor when God blesses you with favor and you have the heart to use your influences to help others succeed. So keep reading because the next article, well let's just say her testimony will be life changing.......
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Grateful for Christian Lite
God has just been even more amazing these past few weeks. I no longer hear people saying you have an A type personality so you need to treat others differently........ I have been blessed to hear compassion and the love of God from people in the Body of Christ and for that I am truly grateful. You see we can not change the heart of man, we are but mere vessels that can water and plant. It is nice to see the body imitating Christ in an even greater way. You see God can change the heart of any man or woman if we just trust him. We are a team and we must love people to Christ.
I heard Joel Osteen say be a dream releaser and it has stuck in my mind all week long. I want to always help others release their potential and be used by God for his glory, so thanks to the body of Christ for Christian lite........ it's nice to be imitators of the greatest of all time.
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