Thursday, March 31, 2011

"How To Get Out of Your Own Way" by Tyrese Gibson

I am humbled that I was blessed to participate in the online press release for Tyrese Gibson today. He shared his experiences and explained why he wrote the book "How To Get Out of Your Own Way." I was impressed to hear him say that "God blessed him with favor and has made him a man of influence," so "who is he not to share his story if it can help someone else." He spoke of his possible audiences such as "the 12 year old girl...without a father" or reaching "the horrible parent who has raised horrible children because that is all they know."

He talked about what he has been blessed with but he said "at the end of the day what does it all mean?" A question many of us have or should have asked ourselves. That truly inspired me and gave me an even greater admiration. I loved how he said "some will not pick up the Bible, but they will pick up his book because they think he is sexy and then they will hear him talking about God and they will pick up their Bible and read it." I loved this because he was compassionate, sincere and caring about other people. He is a living testimony of how God can turn your life around and he wants others to taste and see the goodness of God.

It was clear his purpose is to motivate and inspire people to a better place. He encouraged us as writers and bloggers to use the stage of influence or our platform to share a daily word of inspiration. That was another indicator that he was even trying to encourage us at that very moment so we can share it with the world. There is enough negativity out there and I love the positive nature of his attitude towards life and others. He has more than enough and he does not need to make money so his heart is getting his message to a lost generation that needs a sense of direction.

I so admired how he gave God the glory when he said "God's favor has led me to these opportunities." Many people forget where they came from or what they went through but it is clear that Tyrese not only knows from whence he has come but he states it is "his responsibility to help someone else." Whatever you do..... get the book and take in the wisdom he shares about his experiences and the knowledge he has acquired during his life and his encounters with his mentors such as Will Smith and John Hope Bryant.

Order your book today at and Barnes and Noble and be sure to check out his blog at:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Managing the home

This month is about exploring the options of being a better home manager. Some may have thought I took it as a compliment when my husband said "everything falls a part when I am away from home." Quite the opposite, the woman of God had already warned me to pause and become a better home manager to prolong my life. However, I dipped my feet back into the workforce unprepared. I grew up being taught at every stage of my life. Somehow I managed to think that doing everything I could made up for the things I would no longer provide being at home. I spent years doing everyone's laundry for example. Yet here I am keeping up with the laundry of seven people, instead of allocating responsibilty.
So moving forward the 14 year old and 17 year old will do their own laundry and this will teach them team work. I would wash their clothes and put them in the dryer and say "please put the next load I have washed into the dryer and push the button." I would get home and have to rewash because no one would keep it moving. Then I tried one load and said just turn it back on if it does not dry and come home and it would be as I left it. That was my boiling point, I said no one can push a button? This was not every night but when you have a large family you have to keep it moving. It was the little things that helped me realize they have to learn team work and have to be more accountable. I love my family and they do wonderful things to help all the time but when we were teaching them we failed them somewhere.
I would always finish what they left incomplete and my husband would say "No" let them do it. I figured they had school work and sports. However, he was right because they can operate as individuals but I should have found balance because we have to work on the team part. It takes a team to raise a family. My friend said "Girl I would have dropped them to a laundromat and told them I will see you when it is finished." It is in those moments you realize Dad's tough love isn't so tough. It is actually what is needed to build on their character. So I will spend this time getting a little tougher and exploring allocating responsibilty more.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Giving honor where honor is due an "Awesome Vice Principal"

I must say I am truly impressed. Since I have resided in the south, I have seen some African American principals used as mere tokens in their roles to fill a need to say we have a black person in position of authority in the school system. However, whatever the intent at Sterling Elementary Mrs. Odom has truly shined as a beacon of light and hope for the young ladies at this school. In a school of more than 90% minority students with a staff of about 90% non minority teachers. It is outstanding to see this Vice principal operate and show these young woman that they will achieve despite the odds.
I have seen this Vice Principal get in the trenches on several occassions and truly work with the young ladies to mentor them in a way that few people would. This past week alone she and Ms. Higgins invited the girls in every morning at 6:45 am before school to teach them how to step for their competition. Even the day of the competition she invited the girls to the school to practice one more time before their competition at 12:15 pm. It was beautiful to see girls from all walks of life come together to compete. You could see the comfort and warmth in their eyes, which occurs because of her warmth and love for the children.
I am not easily impressed, there has to be a sincerity of heart in your effort and willingness to participate in the lives of children. Mrs. Odom is definitely the Vice Principal of the year! An honorable, dedicated woman put in position by the creator.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Gods love is not conditional!

Isn't His love simply amazing? When I think about how many times...... I have messed something up. I think "God do you still love me and want me to carry this thing out?" His answer is "you are the apple of my eye." If we sit back and let man badger us we will stay in a place of defeat and condemnation. However, God truly remembers our sins no more.

Sometimes you have to wonder if some people in the body of Christ truly understand that it is our duty to imitate Christ. They will beat you down and help the enemy rather than brush you off and help you get back up. Sometimes you should ask them whose team are you really on?

I am grateful for my Pastor in Augusta because he taught me well. When Mom died I thought I would never forgive my Stepdad and I felt so much guilt and shame. I said Pastor "I am not worthy of Gods love because I can not even speak to this man." He said "You know Peter denied Christ 3 times but he kept going and he went on to do great and mighty things for the Lord." He said "You have to forgive yourself, because God has already forgiven you."

So I have learned ........yes I will fall down but I will definitely rise again. I will not always win the race in the swiftest manner. But the race is not always given to the swift, the true winner is the one that endures. I further had an advisor who was a Judge tell me look at Lincoln. He failed at everything but he kept on until he became President. He said "Never give up, you keep at those business ideas until you win." I believe God sends those people into our lives to remind us that his Love is truly unconditional. He knew our mistakes before we even made them and he is not there waiting to pound on you like man will. He is there waiting to hold you and remind you "you are still my daughter, you are still my son" Rise up, shake it off and win!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A letter of appreciation to all who bless our lives!

It was my first weekend back to being Taxi mom. I enjoyed being able to take my children to their activities. I believe what I missed most was the new activities. I missed seeing my daughter finally becoming a cheerleader. I truly appreciate Dad for leaving work, picking her up and taking her to cheer. I am happy they shared this experience, I just wish this were a perfect world and we both would have been there.

I enjoyed watching my son transform before my eyes. He went on his college tour and handled himself very well. He received compliment after compliment on truly representing his high school. They were very shocked to see him in a suit and tie. The faculty just smiled and kept saying it was nice that he took the time to dress so sharp and represent so well.

So twice this week I heard the word represent. My daughters' VP said "she represented her school well by answering question after question." Her coaches said "she answered questions they did not even go over and she hit that buzzer." They asked what school she came from before and I had to give honor to her magnet school Morehead Elementary where her 3rd grade teacher truly worked hard helping her to understand that she has to always be prepared and achieve. Mrs. Scott was the strongest educator she has had up to this point in her life. Their team work paid off and it showed when she achieved a 4 on both her EOG's that year.

She said many will not take the time but I know what she will be facing and so she challenged my daughter to always be her best. She never allowed her to get away with anything less than her best. She has taken that with her in all that she does. I appreciate her team of coaches and her teacher this year for all their encouragement. She is truly blossoming into God's woman.

I am just so grateful for people like Mrs. Hood who take the time to bring the girls together to volunteer at places like Crisis Assist. It blesses my daughter more than she will ever know. For outside of my neice who does a fabulous job doing her hair and who has a very busy college life she has no young female family members to spend time with. Having four brothers, my daughter often says please have a girl? My reply is my child rearing days are over.

So it truly makes her day to share with "her sisters" from her school. It truly makes up for my mom whom I miss so dearly not being able to spoil her because Mrs. Hood and Ms. Hahn are right there being a true blessing in her life; especially when I am pulled in more than one direction and they take their time to plan opportunities for them. So much appreciation to those who bless our lives!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's not about "My Image" it's about Christ

I have had to take time to make a u turn. I can share this with the world because I know it's not about my image it's about Christ. I mentioned previously that I had to take some time to make my u turn. I decided to go out and get a regular 9 to 5 nothing spectacular. In my time away I was dying inside. I had so much I wanted to write about but I had made a commitment to an organization and I wanted to honor my promise. However, I also promised God I would take care of the family that he has entrusted me with. I wanted to finish the review I promised I would write for an upcoming author.

It started off fun. I could buy them "the things" I wanted to was "the extras." I could donate more to greater causes and not have to get approval. I could pay the bills I needed to. However, physically I was falling apart. My husband was in the backgroud advising me "don't do it. I don't care if I have to work three jobs I want you home."

I was hard headed I thought no love. I want to be able to do things, I have put "things" off for far too long being at home. I thought look how my outside world is falling apart. However, what I realized was that what my husband said was far more important. As we went to teacher conference after teacher conference. The teachers said the same "I couldn't understand why your child was no longer getting 100's on most tests etc. My husband said " I did not want her to go back to work because our home falls apart when she is away from home". That made me realize nothing is more important to me than my family.

If stuff in the world has to wait then it will have to be patient just like I have to. I realized a biblical principal that stands out in my mind "what good is it to gain the whole world and lose my soul." I couldn't go to church because I had to meet the demands of the company. Besides nobody was going anymore, so that was leaving my family in the same place. Therefore, what I understood was the lack of peace meant I knew I had not taken on a job that was actually a match for me.

I heard the world say "girl in this economy there is nothing out there." I thought girl "I got hired on the spot." In the world there may not be jobs but with God all things are possible. I heard people say "why would you take a job in "retail and service" with your background. I said "because no job is beneath me" but I also said "However, there is a time and season for everything."

I have two children graduating this year and I know having a job would make it tremendously easier. However, there is nothing that my God has not supplied. As soon as I resigned it was as if God just opened the windows of heaven all the materials we were purchasing to remodel the home were given to us. Brand new materials were handed to my husband by business owners.He went to negotiate cheaper rates since he was going to buy in bulk and they said no charge.

Projects I had been working on came through. My problem is contractual always means waiting. I even received an American Express gift card that had been mailed to me weeks ago. I was asked for my opinion and I had forgotten I had been promised this card two months ago. It was here all along. I had overlooked the letter and my blessings. I even missed out on a learning opportunity about non profits because I had to work.

The work world had not changed, people after each others throats to get a promotion, people wasting time trying to make others look bad. The worst part was people were bold enough to say they were getting people fired. The pay had not changed in the grind. I was always blessed contractually, what I would make in one day was what I can make in a week in the worlds system. Yes the paycheck is more steady but I sure don't miss the sacrifice of my health or my time.

My purpose for sharing this is that we can get off course but there is always a way to get back on course. Isn't it wonderful that God allows u-turns. I can share my errors knowing Jesus is not concerned with my mistakes, he is concerned with my obedience. He is more joyful that I am available to do what he has called me to do instead of doing what I want to do. He kept pointing out to me that he did not need me tired and weary. My husband was used as a vessel to confirm that often.

For this reason I say we are not subject to the economy or the unemployment line. I decided I wanted to work and I had a job the same day. Understand I know we have to think like God and not listen to what the media is telling us. God said "all my needs are met" it is up to us how they are met for we all have free will.

Know that I say that in humility for when I think about the people who questioned why Jesus sat with "the unworthy crowd" and his response was that he came to heal the sick he did not come to heal those who are well. It made me realize more than ever "it's about purpose". I need not cover my errors for my purpose is to find my way like everyone else. It is to let people know the journey was not easy bumps and bruises and all but it is definitely worth it! Time to get back on course and further explore my purpose....